House Soft Washing Service in Destin and 30A, Florida

Destin and 30A House Soft Washing Service

Soft washing is the perfect way to take years of dirt and algae off your home and property. Our soft washing team can quickly make your house look amazing at a price that won’t break the bank. Keep reading to learn more about Destin and 30A soft washing services and how you can benefit from it.

What is Soft Washing

Soft washing is a cleaning method that uses low-pressure water and chemicals to kill and remove various types of debris from your house: you can say goodbye to algae, mold, mildew, moss, and more! 

At 1st Choice Painting & Repairs, we prefer soft-washing homes because it works well and lasts a long time.

Soft Washing vs. Pressure Washing

You're probably wondering how soft washing stacks up to pressure washing. If it doesn't use a lot of pressure to clean dirt off your home, how does it work so well? 

The secret is in the cleaning solutions we mix with the water. We typically use a mixture of chlorine and fungicides to kill grime at its source and give your house a lasting clean. 

Pressure washing, on the other hand, gets things clean using the force of the water rather than added chemicals. The high pressure puts things like paint and vinyl siding at high risk for damage.

How Long Does Soft Washing Last?

When a fungicide is mixed into the water, soft washing can keep mold, mildew, and algae from growing on your house for up to 18 months! While soft washing will keep things from growing on your house, dust and pollen may still be an issue.

Two story house we soft washed in Destin, Florida.

What Are the Benefits of House Soft Washing?

Minimizes Damage to Your Home

Since soft washing doesn’t spray as hard as a pressure washer, there is little risk of damage to your paint, siding, roof, or windows. 

Removing things like algae and moss also help keep your home in good shape. Roofs and siding can begin to deteriorate from algae and moss trapping moisture against them.

You Get a Lasting Clean

Despite soft washing using significantly less water pressure than a pressure washer, soft washing can keep your home cleaner for longer. 

This is possible because soft washers usually use chlorine to clean the home and a fungicide to kill and protect against things like mold, mildew, and algae for over a year!

Little to no Fall Risk

Soft washing your house poses little risk of falling because soft washers are effective at much greater distances than pressure washers.

This is because the solutions you introduce to the stream of a soft washer are what get the job done. As a result, you can wash second-story siding and roofs without needing to climb a ladder.

It Improves Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Your house is constantly being exposed to pollen, dust, and debris blown around by the wind, some of which inevitably stick to the outside of your home. 

Soft washing your house can dramatically improve your home's curb appeal, washing away years of build-up

Green two-story home we soft washed in Destin, Florida, behind a leaning tree.

Why Should You Hire a Professional Soft Washing Company?

  • Cost-Effective - On the surface, it may seem like soft washing your Destin or 30A home on your own would be cheaper, but this isn’t always the case. First, you have to buy or rent a soft washer, then purchase the chemicals to achieve a thorough clean. Without the proper experience, this could turn into an all-day job, raising your rental costs.

  • Saves You Time - Our expert team knows how to do the job effectively and efficiently. We have hundreds of hours of experience restoring the exteriors of homes and businesses.

  • Gets Your House Cleaned Quicker - Depending on the size of your home, soft washing it yourself could be a one-to-two-day job. Professionals can usually do it in a single morning or afternoon.

Why Choose 1st Choice Painting & Repairs for Soft Washing Services

  • All of our staff are professionally trained and use best practices for all of our home painting and repair services
  • We carry large insurance policies to give you peace of mind
  • We follow all EPA and OSHA guidelines
  • We always treat our clients and their property with respect
  • We always offer FREE estimates

Does Your Home in Destin or 30A Need Soft Washing?

If your house in Destin or 30A, Florida could use a wash, call us or schedule online to get your free estimate! Don’t wait because our appointment books fill up fast!

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Destin, FL 32541

Business Hours:
7 AM - 5 PM

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